I have a confession to make. The following films that are listed, I have not seen. While I love my movies, I just never got around to watching some of the greatest and best films ever to exist. Once the IWG film team has finished reading this article, I’ve got a feeling I’m going to have things thrown at me, especially from the team’s fearless leader. Team – I’m sorry. So here, without further ado, are several films that I’ve never seen, but haven’t.

Mafia/mob films have never been a favourite of mine. Just as some don’t like Sci-Fi or historical films, I’m not a fan of Mafia/Mob films. The trilogy follows the Corleone family, who are involved in the Mafia, and the history of the family in America and in their homeland, Sicily. The story begins with Vito Corleone’s decline and exit from the business and how he hands control of the business over to his youngest, Michael. After taking control, Michael moves the family from NYC to Las Vegas and the films document his time and involvement within the family business. The series has been heavily praised and heavily awarded, with the first being considered one of the greatest films of all times. Now, I still can’t explain to you why I haven’t seen any of them, as I’m a small fan of Joe Mantegna, who starred in the third film.

Apparently, everyone should see one Alfred Hitchcock movie in their lives, and many say that the film should be Psycho. The film revolves around Marion Crane, who after embezzling her employer out of money, ends up at an out of the way motel. Here, she encounters Norman Bates. Norman is the owner of the motel, and appears to be quite disturbed. It turns out that Norman suffers from a split personality after being dominated from childhood by his overbearing mother. Marion meets a sticky end and this is where the film becomes a psychological thriller, in true Hitchcock style. Admittedly, I’ve seen The Birds (even if I did fall asleep halfway through), but never Psycho. It’s only recently that I’ve really got into thrillers and horror films, so this will have to go on my must watch list.

This film has been on my list of “Must Watch” for years now. An adaptation of the novel, Q&A by Vikas Swarup, Slumdog Millionaire tells of Jamal Malik, who is from the slums (specifically the Juhu sluyms) of Mumbai. He appears on a version of the television show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire? He does so well, that he exceeds everyone’s expectations. Because he does so well, the accusations of cheating arise. Throughout the story, Jamal recounts how he knew the answers to every question. Every answer was linked to a key event in Jamal’s life. The film won numerous awards, including Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Director at the Oscars. Why I haven’t seen this, I don’t know. I love the soundtrack, and the film seems like one that would totally be one of my favourites.

Why I haven’t seen this, I don’t know why. I honestly do not have any explanation as to why I haven’t seen it. It stars John Travolta, Uma Thurman and Samuel L Jackson. Considered one of Quentin Tarantino’s greatest, the film interweaves several storylines, all of which are connected. The storylines connect LA mobsters, minor criminals, players and a briefcase that has a mystery behind it. The film was critically acclaimed and received numerous accolades. It has a stellar cast, soundtrack, plot and script. Again, it’s on my films to watch list and I really should watch it.
There are several other films I haven’t seen, including Avatar, The Graduate, King Kong (original), Lawreence of Arabia, and Heavenly Creatures. So here’s my challenge. The rest of the film team now have to come up with several movies that they haven’t seen, but should’ve. That includes you, Miss Cookie. I can feel the glares.