Over at Cookie ‘N’ Screen, I am having an Edgar Wright week and paying tribute to a fine film maker whose new release, The Worlds End hits cinemas on Friday. Yesterday on our Edgar Wright film crawl, we stopped off at the legendary Shaun of the Dead, the first scoop of the Cornetto Trilogy. Now we’ve done Shaun of the Dead, can I introduce you to its younger, slicker and better little brother Hot Fuzz? And yes, I’ll stop with the metaphors.

So, many of you may have skipped the second paragraph due to your blind rage that I called Hot Fuzz better than Shaun of the Dead. While I am not taking anything away from Shaun of the Dead and I realise it ranks more favourably amongst audiences and critics alike, I just can’t help feel that this action comedy is a far better movie. Hot Fuzz is a much more original concept, for one being a great piece of explosive action set in the heart of the English Countryside, which has never really happened before. With this concept being inherently funny, it is just a matter of improving on the laughs with a series of witty dialogue, comical situation based observations and a plot twist that is uproarious. As the film unfolds, the turns are unexpected and brilliant leading to the most magnificent shoot out in a tiny village the world has ever seen. The timing, the moments and the whole package is just near perfect.

Hot Fuzz is not a spoof, it is an astute look at the action genre that weaves in some fantastic comedy amongst the layers of fire. This explosive movie is bursting to the seams with epic awesomeness. Having a team that have worked together for over a decade and having a better budget only means that Hot Fuzz, the vanilla instalment of the trilogy, has upped the bar.
It is now we wait with bated breath to see how greatly The World’s End hits.
Bring the noise.