Last night the news broke that Zach Synder has cast Ben Affleck as Batman in the upcoming Batman/Superman movie. And yes, the world is wailing a collective "Nooo". Horrid memories surface as we all think about Ben Affleck and his Daredevil disaster. Fondly, we tear to shreds Affleck with Gigli and Matt Damon references.
After a stellar performance from Bale, it was always going to be hard to top Nolan's efforts. But was Affleck the right choice? In the early hours, I too had many doubts. But as I churn over the news I think of Affleck from Dogma, Good Will Hunting, The Town and the impressive Argo! I also think of Daredevil, the directors cut. I am still unsure about Affleck as Batman, really unsure. But I bet he'd make a great Bruce Wayne!
Helen Fulton
"I am intrigued by the decision to cast Affleck as Batman. Though he had some bad luck with Daredevil, he has matured as an actor now so should be really good."
Jasinta May Hickson
"I'm not one hundred percent on the idea of it but I think Affleck's laid back and funny personality could add a little more to the films if they take that route (unlikely), otherwise he is great at playing more serious roles too so it should be interesting either way.
(I kinda love him)."
Robbie Jones
"I wrote a piece a while back on not judging actors before they even start. I can't say I think he's the best actor for the job but I've learn to like him and I'm happy to hear it. Let's face it, it could worse."
Edward Mitchell
"Although not the ideal choice for a lot of fans out there, I believe that Ben Aflleck could really bring something different to the table with Batman. I think we should all take off our rose tinted glasses, and smell the fresh roses."
Heather Stromski
"I just...can't buy it. While I like his writing/directing work, I'm not a fan of his acting. Even if he could act, I just don't think he has the right aura/vibe."
Christian Kern
"I liked Daredevil... With that said... I'm not a fan [of Ben Affleck] as the B'man. Just don't see it. There's a lot of reasons behind this but one, I would like someone seasoned as the Dark Knight. Even as a younger incarnation, Bruce doesn't become Batman till he's hardened and traveled the world and learned things. I don't see these things in Ben Affleck. I don't... believe it when I look at him."
Kim J Osborne"Think of it this way; how similar were the reactions when Heath Ledger was cast as The Joker? Look how that turned out, one of the best performances of the century.Schneider knows what he's doing. Screw it. Give Affleck a chance!"
William John
"Personally, I'm on the fence. I've never been a huge fan of [Ben] Affleck, but I do believe him to be an underrated actor. I can see him as Bruce Wayne, certainly, though I quite liked Val Kilmer's Wayne from Batman Forever. I do agree with others however that he doesn't seem as physically imposing as Batman should be... He'll certainly need to bulk up. I'm staying optimistic though!
So, there you have it. I'll just leave you with this slightly hilarious picture of the new Batman.