Proving that yet again DC are struggling to balance the action hero, the fun and the pivotal emotional story arc, this teaser picture of Superman literally drenched in the rain on a rooftop has dark and moody written all over it. Though it’s never a bad thing to see Cavill’s rock hard abs, the feel for the new movie just screams dank and dull; one of the many reasons why Man of Steel felt so boring. Sigh. It just feels a bit more on the depression over kill when Superman was, correct me if I am wrong, supposed to be the all singing American hero from outer-space. The emo-look just doesn’t fit here and looks as though Supes could burst into a romantic love ballad about lost loves and Krypton.
And if Batman, Superman and a whole heap of Justice League good guys are going to launch into a musical number, it really should be this one.