Haven't you seen the Star Wars Saga yet? You still want to despite all this news avanlanche? But you don´t know where to start? Okay, newbie, this guide is for you. Consider it a kind of “Star Wars for Dummies” if you like.

You begin by watching Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. If you survive Jar Jar Binks, keep going with Star Wars Episode II: The Attack of the Clones. Now the story starts getting interesting. Stop right there, and pop up yourself the whole Star Wars: The Clone Wars show (2008-2103). TV show, animation, five seasons plus the bonus episodes “The Lost Missions”.
Then keep going with Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Now your head is a mess. We know. In between Episode III and IV there will come a new TV animation Show this summer 2014 called: Star Wars Rebels, but you can´t wait that long so continue to the real deal, the Classic Trilogy, starting with Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, then Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and finish with Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
Now you can safely wait til December 2015, like everyone else, for episode VII.
All right. Are you sure you are ready to watch in a few days what the rest of the world saw in 30 years? Ok then. Perhaps you might want to have a quick look to our main character guide. (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

ANAKIN SKYWALER: The Chosen one. He was a little slave boy from planet Tatooine. Soon he became a powerful Jedi, and controversial too. The Fate of the galaxy is directly linked to his. In order to bring balance to the Force, and the galaxy, he'll have to turn to the Dark Side of the Force, becoming the ruthless Darth Vader. He'll betray his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his wife, Padme Amidala, and will join the Sith lord Darth Sidious and the upcoming Galactic Empire... But he will have a son and a daughter, and theirs is the duty to bring him back to the Light Side.
PADME AMIDALA: Once Queen of planet Naboo, after that the Senator representing her planet on the Senate in Coruscant (Capital of the Galaxy). She is a diplomatic but know how to fight when there's no other option. She falls in love with Anakin. They marry in secret (as is forbidden to bond for a Jedi). She'll give him two children, Luke and Leia, right before dying.
OBI-WAN KENOBI: A gifted Jedi from the Jedi Temple. He's given the task to teach Anakin in the Jedi Arts. He reluctantly accepts. They become much more than Master and Apprentice, they become “brothers”. They fight together in the Clone Wars. When Anakin turns to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader his failure is complete. He hides in a remote planet waiting for a “new hope” to raise.

YODA: Little green creature. He is 900 years old and the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. He is the leader of the Jedi. Pure wisdom, fairness, and a great warrior.
JAR JAR BINKS: A funny, clumsy, also irritating, Gungan, an underwater race from planet Naboo. He crosses paths with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, and become senator! Kids love him. Only kids.
R2-D2: Astromech droid. A very charismatic character without even talking. Some say it is, along with its pal 3PO, the true protagonist of the Star Wars Saga.

DARTH SIDIOUS/PALPATINE: That is the name Chancellor Palpatine uses as a Sith Lord. He is pure evil and the mastermind behind the whole plot to destroy the Republic. He'll become the Emperor and rise a dictatorship for more than 30 years.
DARTH MAUL: There's always two, a Master and an apprentice. Maul is Sidious's apprentice. He kills Qui-Gon Jinn before getting killed by Obi-Wan. He'll be back to join his brother, Sabage Opress and seek revenge.

JANGO FETT: Jango is a bounty hunter. He was hired by Darth Tyranus to build an army of Clones on planet Kamino. He wears a cool mandalorian armour.
BOBA FETT: Boba is an unaltered Jango Clone. He's been raised like a son by Jango. After his father's death, he'll become a bounty hunter himself. One of the best. He'll do business with the Lord of crime, Jabba the Hutt. His fate is related to Han Solo.
MACE WINDU: Yoda's right hand at the Jedi Temple. A great skilled Jedi. The only purple lightsaber in the galaxy. He'll kill Jango Fett in front of his son. He'll find death fighting Darth Sidious, betrayed by Anakin Skywalker.
DARTH TYRANUS/COUNT DOOKU: Once a great Jedi, Yoda's padawan and Qui-Gon's Master. Disappointed with the Jedi way found confort in the Dark Side, becoming Sidious's right hand. But you can never trust a Sith.

GENERAL GRIEVOUS: More machine than living creature, a cyborg, Grievous is the Commander of the Separatist fleet, the droid army. He's a Jedi killer, he keeps their lightsabers as a trophy. Obi-Wan turns out to be a hard adversary for him.
CHEWBACCA: When the Clone Wars arrive to planet Kashyyyk, Yoda is sent to fight along with his friends, the Wookie race. Chebacca becomes one his best pals as he'll be to Han Solo a few years later.
BAIL ORGANA: This diplomatic gentleman is one of the politics against Palpatine's Empire, initial leader of the Rebel Alliance, and he is the one to raise Anakin's secret daughter, Leia, as his own, to protect her from the Lord Sith.

DARTH VADER: It is fair to say he is the biggest and most famous villain in Movie History. His look is pure evil. He lives inside an impressive black amour, with a samurai alike helmet. This Dark Lord of the Sith was once Anakin Skywalker, and now is the Emperor's right hand.
LUKE SKYWALKER: He is the last hope for the galaxy, to defeat the ruthless Empire. Though he doesn't know, he's Vader/Anakin's son. He'll be taken as pupil by Obi-Wan and, after his death, by Master Yoda. He is to become a Jedi, like his father, and bring back peace to the galaxy.
LEIA ORGANA: She is a princess and a diplomatic. But, in secret, she is part of the Rebel Alliance. Anakin's unknown daugther and Luke's twin sister. She develops certain inclination for scoundrels.

HAN SOLO: A Corellian mercenary, smuggler and scoundrel. Very brave and a great shooter. He is the captain of the Millennium Falcon, co-piloted by Chewbacca. Without event trying, he finds himself fighting alonside a group of Rebels agains the Empire. He ends up joining the fight, but he also has to settle his debt with gangster Jabba the Hutt.
LANDO CALRISSIAN: Lando is Han's old friend. He was once the owner of the Millennium Falcon before losing it in a card game. Now, he is the administrator of Cloud City. He just wants to be a part of the war. But the war will come to him.

JABBA THE HUTT: This huge and despicable slug is the head of the mafia in the outer rim territories. Hi lives in his palace on planet Tatooine. He puts a price on Solo's head, and hires a number of bounty hunters (Boba Fett included) to catch him.
ADMIRAL ACKBAR: From planet Mon Cala, Ackbar is a commander of the Rebel Fleet in the attack to the second Death Star. He also fought in the Clone Wars to defend his planet from the Separatist invasion.
WICKET: His full name is Wicket W. Warrick, and he is an Ewok from the forest moon of Endor, a primitive race of “Teddy bears” alike, but fearsome warriors. Young Wicket finds a stranded Leia and helps her fighting the Empire during the Battle of Endor.