She-Hulk #1
Writer – Charles Soule // Artist – Javier Paulido
Not knowing a thing about She-Hulk I was surprised to learn that her transformation was due to Bruce Banner saving her via blood transfusion. The first few pages set up the tone for the book quite quickly as it’s a light hearted book and something the industry is severely lacking in. It’s actually quite surprising how fitting Soule feels for this book and I truly believe he should stick to lighter themed books.
Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) is an attorney who has been working extremely hard for the last year, and spending many nights working late. It’s time for her yearly review and she is expecting a worthy pay rise, lamentably she is informed that there will be no increase. Quite upset with the information she promptly quits and decides to drown her sorrows with alcohol. A woman by the name of Holly Harrow stumbles upon Jennifer who decides to help her in regards to Tony Stark stealing her late husband’s technology. It’s a case Jennifer is more than happy to take considering she is close friends with Tony; a simple 5 minute talk will have everything sorted out surely. Jennifer tries to play by the rules through Tony’s attorneys who won’t allow her to see Tony himself. Things get a bit violent when she decides to side step the attorneys and break the rules to get to Tony.
The artwork by Javier Pulido is very simple, this is not a bad thing at all though as it melts perfectly with the light hearted approach from Soule.

Writer – Brian Wood // //Artist – Facundo Percio
Just like the previous issue, this issue also takes on the perspective of Darth Vader and Ensign Nanda. As they arrive at the remains of the planet known as Alderaan a kill or capture order is issued for Tag Rogaren. He is wanted due to a Rebel fighter being seen in his vicinity. Leia Organa had previously met him and it was her fighter that was seen.
After apprehending Tag, a standoff between Darth Vader and several Elite Stormtroopers ensues. Darth wants him for personal gain; the Troopers want him for financial gain. Both sides have a purpose, neither side yielding due to their desires. This 2 part side story has been a stirring ride with Ensign Nanda; the actions of Darth Vader have had a vast and grim effect on her psyche which is all too noticeable at the end of the story. As great as the ride has been I am looking forward to seeing Leia, Han and Luke again.
On the visual side we have Facundo Percio doing art and Gabe Eltaeb doing colours. This being an Empire based issue there are shades of grey in abundance, Darth looks like Darth in every panel and so too do the Stormtroopers. Eltaeb really accentuates Percio’s line work by adding shadows providing further depth.
If you love Star Wars and have not yet read this series do yourself a favour and do so.

Writer – Dan Slott // Artist – Giuseppe Camuncoli
The Green Goblin has been building his army over the course of this book; hidden underground he has taken a foothold on the majority of mob bosses throughout New York City. He has randomly popped up throughout the issues of Superior Spider-Man collecting defeated foes. Now his many henchmen are actively attacking and taking possession of New York.
Otto Octavius (AKA Spider-Man) is confused as to how he is unaware of their activities. He recently created robotic Spiderlings to keep watch on the city and warn him of any impending danger. The Green Goblin’s activities however have been completely off the chart and gone unnoticed. Otto is determined to find out why this has been happening and seeks help from an old colleague.
Meanwhile the real Peter Parker being trapped in Otto’s mind is still searching for a way out. Otto has scattered memories of Peter Parker within his psyche, memories of importance. Peter thinking of how to take advantage of his remaining memories comes up with a plan that may end up being his demise.
Giuseppe Camuncoli provides his talents again as artist whom seems to be an absolutely perfect fit for Spider-Man. Every issue he has drawn has completely engaged the pupils of my eyes and caused much joy. He has exquisite talent for pouring large amounts of detail into every panel. The shadowing and lighting in this book is the highlight, further accentuated by colourist Antonio Fabela.
All New X-Men #23
Avengers #26
Deadpool #23
She-hulk #1
Superior Spider-Man #27.now
Thor God Of Thunder #19.now
Wolverine & The X-Men #41
Batman #28
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #5
Justice League Of America #12
Nightwing #28
Dark Horse
Star Wars #14