Yes, World Book Day is primarily a day where you get children dressed up as their favourite characters and encourage their reading. But that doesn't mean that us adults can't have some fun too. And thus, I present the World Book Day drinking game.
Please note: do not play this drinking game if you are in any way responsible for the wellbeing of a child on World Book Day. Remember to drink responsibly. Drinking something that is befitting your fancy dress costume is always advised.
- Someone re-uses an old Halloween costume, with only a tenuous link to literature.
- Disney princesses and superheroes everywhere!
- A reluctant person tries to pass off their own clothes as obscure fancy dress.
- You spy a reluctant teacher/parent, attempting to look dignified while wearing an ill-fitting onesie.
- You spy more than one Katniss Everdeen or Harry Potter.
- An adult steals a child's £1 book token for their own use.
- Someone dresses as a character that isn't even from a book.
- People get so wrapped up in the fancy dress that they forget about the reading part.
- Someone dresses as Wally/Waldo, despite that being one of the only books you don't actually read.
- A £1 book token is used against a vastly inappropriate book.
- There's a group costume.
- Someone dresses as a Fifty Shades of Grey character (two gulps if they just dress in 50 different shades of grey.)
- There's a wardrobe malfunction.
- A Harry Potter and a Draco Malfoy get into a fight.
- Two people come in the same costume and get really embarrassed about it.
- Your elaborate costume makes it really difficult to eat your lunch.
- A teacher decides to come in as Daenerys Targaryen and makes all her students call her "Khaleesi".
- Someone wears a professional-standard costume and looks smug about it all day.
- Anyone says to you that they don't read.