Young Adult fiction has always been important, and over the coming years, it has become even more popular with today's youth. There are many books out there that were written especially for Young Adults, and now because they are so popular, they have ended up getting their own genre, Y/A!
In this article, I will look at some of the modern Young Adult novels that have made an impact!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is a novel that really challenged young adult fiction and got younger readers to think differently about real life topics. Published in February 1999, Chbosky's novel follows the life of a young character called Charlie as he attempts to get through his first year at high school. He meets friends Sam and Patrick along the way and has some truly memorable adventures with them, along with all of the ups and downs.
The Novel is written in a diary format, and that is why it may be considered very inspirational for it's time, as there wasn't much in Y/A modern books that were in that particular style. Chbosky's writing is simple, and really gives off the vibe that a 15 year old boy would write like this.
The novel deals with themes such as sexual/domestic abuse, teenage abortion and homosexuality. For young readers this was really eye opening and still to this day makes them think about things in a different light. When reading, you really feel like you get to know each of the characters in turn and care for them immensely, which adds to the books charm and brilliance, as well as it's simplicity.
The main reason why this novel touched so many young hearts is because it is so raw and real. The author really did well with making people feel like they were living the story along with Charlie, and not surprisingly, some tears were shed, both happy and sad.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower has spent over a year on the New York Times Best Seller list, and has been published in over 31 different languages.
The Divergent Trilogy is a Young Adult Dystopian novel set some time in the future and focuses on the character of Tris Prior as she tries to find herself in a world that is falling apart.
Split into 'Factions', Tris must choose between her selfless family and her brave and ruthless nature, as well as contending with feelings for a boy who could be both good and bad for her.
This book series deserves to be on this list because for one, it could actually happen in the future, years from now. The rawness and originality really sets these books apart from the rest and gets the reader thinking "What If?". It is completely plausible that in the future to come that the world could be inclined into 'Factions' to stop war breaking out.
This book series has had an impact on young adults because the themes in the book are real and frightening, and (as most of the books on this list do), the readers feel like they can really relate to the characters.
What is amazing about the author of this book series, Veronica Roth, is the fact that she is so young and yet she has acomplished so much in life already. At an amazing age of 26 years old, she already has a best-selling Book Trilogy, happily married to her husband, and she has a film deal in which the first book in the series, Divergent, has been adapted for the big screen. This is being released in cinemas later in March.
Young Adults who are interested in writing as a career have also been impacted on a different level. As well as the books themselves being very acclaimed, they (and the author) are also inspirational and young aspiring writers could learn a lot from these books.

No list would be complete without the mention of the phenomenon that is the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling.
The Harry Potter series follows the life of young boy wizard Harry, who has lived with his horrible aunt and uncle and also his cousin for all of his childhood. The series follows his life as he finds out who he really is, as he battles evil forces bigger than he has ever known before whilst going through his seven years of education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The series is a fantastic tale of Good v. Evil, proving that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
It is a well known fact that Rowling's books have had a massive impact on young readers, but the thing that sets Harry Potter apart from the rest of young adult fiction is the fact that not only young adults read these books, but older people are also fans of the series and enjoy reading them.
Young people love the Harry Potter series for many reasons, some of them are now grown adults, and have matured with the series in their lives. These young people remember fondly of waiting for each book to come out and finding out what happens next in Harry's epic tale.
Others who are perhaps that little bit younger and weren't around to see the books come out and read along as they were released are still to this day being inspired and taught the values that the books and the story holds dear.
No matter who you are, if you are a die hard 'Potterhead' or not, all Harry fans can agree that this series has taught them the value of love, bravery and loyalty, as well as putting a little magic into their lives.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a novel that will stay with you long after you have finished it. It is powerful and full of emotions and is a masterpiece by the Y/A novelist, John Green.
The Fault in Our Stars tells the story of 16 year old Hazel Grace Lancaster, a girl who suffers with living with Thyroid Cancer which has spread to her lungs, which means that she has to carry around an oxygen tank in order to not have difficulty with day to day life.
Hazels mother insisted that she attend a Cancer Kids Support group, and there she meets the handsome love of her life, Augustus Waters.
This novel is both tragic and uplifting, and follows a story of young love, with a sad twist. It has affected many young readers throughout the two years that it has been released. It has been said to make the readers really feel the seriousness of the themes in which the book is based on and feel for the characters as if they were their own friends; the reader was actually living through the story and the characters experience with them.
It has topped book charts all over the world. Green's writing is raw and true to life, and Young Adults love him and his novels for this exact fact. Green is renowned for writing books that are influential, and in future, it wouldn't be a surprise if his novels, including the best selling The Fault in Our Stars, was taught in schools and English classrooms all over the globe.
With the novel's big screen adaptation hitting cinemas this June, this writer can't wait to see a whole new batch of young Adults becoming fans of John Green and falling in love with his amazing love story.
The Mortal Instruments Series follows the life of Clary Fray, a teenage girl who finds herself belonging to a world she didn't even know existed, as her mother had always kept her true identity a secret from her. Clary really belongs to the world of Shadowhunters, who are beings created to banish demons and misbehaving Downworlders (such as rogue vampires and werewolves who break the law). In this series, the readers follow her tale, and the stories of all of her friends that she comes across along the way.
The amazing thing about this series is that although it is set in a fantasy world, there is something in there for every young adult to relate to. Whether it be coming to terms with a new identity and finding yourself, loving someone you probably shouldn't, or even coming to terms with discovering and accepting you sexuality.
These books are highly recommended by any Young Adult Fantasy fan, and with a best-selling Prequel series, titled The Infernal Devices, a movie deal and the first feature film, City of Bones already released, there is a lot to get reader's blood pumping!

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins is a series that the Books Team could simply not leave out! Another Dystopian styled novel, this series has revolutionized Y/A writing and has gotten countless Young Adults reading when there was a serious lack of young people doing so.
The trilogy is about a young girl named Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a futuristic world where, once a year, an annual event called the 'Hunger Games' is held. 24 young people between the ages of 12-18 are put into an arena and left to fight each other to the death. The winner will become a victor, and live a life of luxury.
This series has had a very large impact on young people, as Collins forces the reader into the mindset of what it would be like to fight for your life against 23 other people your age, in the hopes of coming out the other end unharmed. Collins also forces readers to imagine a society so corrupt, that it has to do things like this to keep everything under control.
The main themes in this trilogy are love and fighting for what you believe in. And upon reading the books, many young adults have said that they have found these books to be a very enjoyable read.
Adding to the success of the books, the movie adaptations of the first two books, The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire starring Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, have also been very successful and have not gotten many complaints from fans. Fans have even gone as far as saying that what they have read in the book was perceived almost perfectly from what they imagined to the big screen.
The series follows the life of female protagonist, Isabella Swan, who moves to the dreary town called Forks to live with her father. Upon arriving in Forks, she meets Edward Cullen, an extremely good looking bad boy with a secret. These books are a love story that a younger generation of girls love to read, and when the books came out, they quickly gained fans.
The Twilight Saga has impacted Young Adults because although some people may think that they are not particularly well-written, they do however tell a great and unique story, taking a different spin on vampires that had not been done previously. The novels are easy to read and follow. Since finishing the books and Bella and Edwards story, young readers have moved onto different books and more complex things.
The Twilight Saga also influenced new readers when the respective movie adaptations came out, starring Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and british heart-throb, Robert Pattinson as the main leads of the story.
All in all, whether you think that the Twilight Saga is a good or bad read, Meyers books did move young readers and got people into reading once more, and for that, IWG Books can say we are eternally grateful.