It had been years in my life since I’d last picked up a book, before I picked up Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. I read Deathly Hallows next and after that, the order is fuzzy at best. I read the series in a completely haphazard manner. Having seen the majority of movies already, it didn’t bother me and nothing in my life had ever been ruined by spoilers.
Harry Potter is the best book series I’ve ever read and I’m a very picky, and persnickety reader. I am not one of those book wormy types who can pick up any book and tear through it faster than the speed of sound. But, when something gets a grip on my imagination, wave goodbye to me for the next few days. This is exactly what happened when I found Mr. Potter.

And so, here I am, a loyal and devoted Potterhead. I’m here to celebrate World Book Day by discussing my favorite book from my favorite series, Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix.
Unfortunately, the movie is not my favorite of all of them. Oddly enough, my reasons why I love the book so much more, are the very reasons why OOP is my favorite of all the books. This was the longest book of all seven novels and more than any other one, it should have been two movies. It was robbed so badly of some of its best scenes and moments.
My number one favorite part of the book, every single time, is the scene in Dumbledore’s office at the near end. The movie did serious injustice to the gravity of the scene in relation to the story as a whole. This is the part where every reader learns the truth about Harry and Voldemort. All the questions we all had were answered, once and for all. It would have done the movie some good to have that scene in its entirety. In the book, while Harry is destroying Dumbledore’s office in a state of hysterical anger, the reader feels his pain and empathizes with him. Who in their ever loving logical minds would want to be the only one who can kill the most dangerous dark wizard of all time? Not having this part of the scene in the movie, it ripped away some of Harry’s humanity and suffering.
Another thing I wish they did a better job of showing in the movies, was the complete Department of Mysteries scene. It would have been fun to see the core members of Dumbledore’s Army going through the doors and watching them spin around the group. There were so many moments when I laughed, especially when they were in the Brain Room. The Department itself is already such an enigma, it would have been nice for those who haven’t read the books to see a little more. Also, in the book/movie, only Harry and Luna can see the Thestrals. In the movie, Ron’s, Hermione’s, Ginny’s, and Neville’s should have been invisible when they flew to the Ministry of Magic, the way it was in the book. It would have been a much more entertaining ride in the movie.
The scene in the beginning of the book and before Harry’s trial, where the Order of The Phoenix members rescue him from Privet Drive is hilarious! Nymphadora Tonks commenting on how clean the Muggles are made me laugh so hard. It would have been fun to see and hear her say that dialogue in the movie. I love that whole scene from the book better than the movie, too.
Another one I love is the swamp implanted in a Hogwarts corridor by none other than Fred and George Weasley. It sounds so simple, I know. What’s so great about a swamp, of all the possible things to choose from? Think about it ladies and gents. It doesn’t matter if you come from Timbuktu, Fiji, Siberia, the Polynesian Islands, Scandinavia, or any one of the seven seas. If you’re a fan of the series, you know as well as I do, that watching Delores Umbridge slip, slide, and slosh her way through the swamp would have been glorious. Raise your hand like Hermione Granger if seeing this would give you the same amount of joy as Arthur Weasley in a screwdriver factory. I rest my case.
My final favorite thing about OOP is the introduction of Luna Lovegood. I’ve had a number of people compare me to her on several occasions. I am very much like Luna in the way that I think about things and see the world. What I love the most about her is that she knows what people say about her and how they perceive her, yet she doesn’t care. She doesn’t allow the opinions of others to change her, or influence her in any way. She sticks to her kooky like it’s made of glue and she doesn’t look behind her. In a world that is penetrated with judgmental and arrogant people, being proud of your individuality is a sign of inner strength. How could I not be inspired by her?
What is your favorite moment from Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix, book, movie, or both?
If not OOP, then which book/movie is your favorite and why?