Oh, the places you’ll go – at least, with Dr. Seuss. Now, there’s another place for readers to venture, in the form of a real life Dr. Seuss museum. The first ever Dr. Seuss museum will open in Springfield, Massachusetts, Seuss’ birthplace. Known to millions as Dr. Seuss, his real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel. Let’s take a look at some of his best work.

This would have to be one of his most famous books, if not the most famous. It tells of two bored children who are stuck inside on a rainy day, while their mother is out. A cat, in a hat, bursts in and attempts to entertain them, but ends up creating havoc for the two children (and their pet fish). Along with the cat are Thing 1 and Thing 2, two creatures who appear to be the cat’s companions. Just before the children’s mother comes in, the mess is cleared and the cat and his companions disappear. It sold over a million copies three years after its first release. Dr. Seuss said that he considered this book the one he was most proud of. Since its initial release, there have been numerous adaptations, including a major film, toys, a television series and more released.

The story follows the Grinch, who is a grump of a creature and who has a heart that is two sizes too small. He lives alone with his unloved (yet very loyal) dog, Max. He decides he is going to end Christmas once and for all, thus attempting to steal all Christmas themed items from the homes of the Whoville residents. Despite his very best efforts, the residents continue on with the holiday. The Grinch returns everything and is welcomed to join in for Christmas dinner. Originally published as a book in 1957, it is considered one of the most popular books for children. The television special is aired every year during the Christmas season, as is the 2000 film adaptation of the same name, starring Jim Carrey.

Is your name Sam-I-Am? No, neither is mine. However, it is one of the central character’s names in Green Eggs and Ham. Sam annoys an unnamed character (also the story’s narrator) to try a dish of green eggs and ham. The narrator continuously refuses as Sam follows him and attempts to have the narrator try this. After numerous locations, including a tree, train and a boat, the meal is tried and the narrator likes it. This particular book is considered one of the “Beginner Books” from Seuss, as it is written in very simple words for beginner readers. The main vocabulary consists of fifty different words, as a result of a bet between Seuss and his publisher. At one point, the book was banned in China. Since the death of Seuss, the ban has been lifted.

While The Cat in the Hat may have been the book Seuss was most proud of, he considered The Lorax his personal favourite. The book chronicles the plight of the environment, and tells of The Lorax, who is a creature who speaks for the trees. A man, known as the Once-ler, has cut down all the trees, thus starting the destruction of an environment. The Lorax warned the Once-ler about the consequences of doing this. The trees are eventually replanted and peace is restored. It is also considered one of the most popular (and top picture) books for children.
Seuss’ works have spawned numerous adaptations, including four feature films, a Broadway musical, 11 television specials and more. He was known as an absolute perfectionist and it shows. The amount of time it must have taken to come up with the ideas behind the stories alone is unthinkable. Let us know what your favourite Seuss book is!