It’s back. This time, it’s not so intense. I realized several things over my time off from this project. I also realized, that I never fully focused in my previous update, of what I actually learned from the project. So here’s another update.

I also learned that people will not always follow through on their words, despite their promises that they would contribute in some form or another. This taught me to really not get my hopes up. If anyone takes on something like this project, please make sure to involve people one can actually rely on. Part of the reason I took a hiatus from the project was that I felt slightly let down, because people kept promising to follow through, and never did.
The above being said, many people did help me out, and I’ll be forever grateful for that. A friend of mine from school went over and above the call of duty when I initially sent her a request, asking for a contribution from her. She sent me a two-page answer, and she has continually supported me in this project since then. Celebrities who I thought would never, ever give me the time of day responded. Several of the letters, especially one in particular, proved to me that all the time and effort that I thought had been wasted, actually hadn’t.
Amongst other things, I learned that I needed quite a bit of patience, a ton of effort, and more for this – things, that at times, I am not very good at. Waiting to see if answers would come in via the regular post and email was (and admittedly, still is at times) nearly painful. However, good things come to those who wait and I have received responses back, both via the post and email.

With this project, I have gained several things, and also learned several lessons. I have gained confidence, organizational skills and proof reading skills. My patience has actually grown. This project has given me a newfound respect for authors and their books. This project has opened up a whole new world of books, for not only the twins, but for anyone who has been following along. It’s taught me that while people may say something and then do another, there are still people that go over and above to help those when they need it. The biggest thing, I think, that I learned was to not be afraid to take chances.
So, yes, I have started the project up again. However, this time, I am not throwing myself in head first. I do a little bit here, and a little bit there, when I feel like it. It’s all good. I should probably end this article with an update. Via Twitter, I heard from authors Kami Garcia (half of the writing duo behind the Beautiful Creatures series) and Ben Hatch. Emails have been returned, with answers from several hugely famous authors. Due to the responses being in email form, I can’t disclose who they came from, or what their answers were, but I have no problem with giving out hints. A fantasy author, a children’s writer, and an environmental author.
Keep on checking in. If you’d still like to participate, tweet IWG, using #nannybookproject and tell us your answer. You can also email us at [email protected] . Don’t forget your name, where you’re from, the title of your favourite children’s book and why it is your favourite.