I honestly thought I’d missed it. However, as it’s on March 31st, I haven’t! I know I’m a few days early, but alas, this seems to be the perfect time to look back on the past year and how things have changed over the past 365 days (give or take).
Have things changed over the past year? Yes, they have. I’ve got a little more confidence, a little more pride, a little more self-respect. My communication skills are far better than they used to be, as are my negotiating skills. People are starting to take me FAR more seriously than they did a year ago. The rejections are far fewer, and while some of them hurt (I’m eyeing one in particular, but that’s a story for another time), the rejections don’t bother me as much as they did.

Never once, ever, did it cross my mind that this project would get the response it did. I figured if I heard from a few people, then that would be peachy. I sent out a few tweets, a few letters, and suddenly I’m getting messages from royalty, Oscar winners, well known TV stars and even politicians and heads of state. Who knew Ricky Gervais, Louise Brealey or Dianne Pilkington would even notice my tweets, and even more, be bothered to reply? By them, and more, replying, it gave me hope.
The main reason I’m doing this is simple. All I wanted, and still want, to do was keep literacy alive. I wanted to keep it in the lives of the kids that I started this project for. That has remained my intent all along. While it’s amazing hearing from all these different people, this has never been about how many celebrities can I hear from, or who is the most famous. It goes against everything this project basically stands for.
It’s been a brilliant run so far, even if there was a small break in there. There are still people I’d love to hear from (I’m looking at you, Cumberbatch). I know I won’t hear from everyone. However, I’m firmly under the belief that if it’ll happen, it’ll happen. That’s what’s been going on, and that’s how it’ll stay.
On a more personal note, I’d like to thank a few people. Massive thanks goes out to IWG for putting up these articles, with special shout outs to Gemma and Leah. Thanks must go to Cookie N Screen for keeping me in line, editing things and encouraging me. She also flails with me when I get a response I’ve been really hoping for. An elementary school friend, Caitie, also deserves some credit because she’s encouraged me so much, and went over and above the call of duty when I asked for her response. Credit to a few friends in England who have kept me supplied with UK stamps. The BIGGEST thanks must go to Mommy W. I may or may not have depleted her stamp and envelope box, emptied her printer ink cartridges or moaned at her when somebody hasn’t responded. She may have had to proof read (quite possibly) dozens upon dozens of letters and emails. Not once has she complained. EVER.
Here’s to another year. Along with a few more after that. Who knows, exactly, where this will end up? I don’t, and for now, I am perfectly fine with that.