I can’t imagine a single Potterhead alive not wanting to know what it would be like growing up a Weasley. Even though they are a large family who have had to implement the hand-me-down policy, they were all happy. They all existed in a realm of normality despite their societal adversities.
They all had their roles within the family dynamics; Arthur was charmingly fascinated with the Muggle existence; Ginny was the only girl; Fred and George were the comedians; Bill and Charlie were trying to be happy and successful; Percy was determined to be the best; and Ron was the brother who was often left in the shadows of his elder brothers. But, there was one member in particular who always kept every member in line. She was the glue that held everyone together and she has every housewife on earth envying her magic wand.
The lady I speak of is Molly Weasley, nicknamed Mollywobbles by Arthur. She is my favourite mum in all of literature. In this article, I will be celebrating Mother’s Day by looking at some of my favourite Mollywobbles moments.

This is one of those moments in Chamber of Secrets that was out of the park, grand slam, hole-in-one, and hat trick hilarious. Ron received the howler after Professor McGonagall sent letters home from school, informing their families of their shenanigans with the flying blue Ford Anglia. The strict but kind professor decided only to give them detention, instead of expelling them. Apparently, this was not a good enough punishment for Ronald Weasley, because the howler Molly sent him was epic. That evil red little envelope with Molly’s voice screaming at Ron, was hysterical. The look of fear on his face over a loud voice coming from a folded piece of paper was magnificent. Then, the raspberries at the end were perfect!
“RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME! — Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud.” -Ron’s Howler, in the film adaptation of Chamber of Secrets.

I am guilty of being one of those housewives who often finds herself wishing she had Molly Weasley’s wand. I have said it an absurd number of times. Why on Earth wouldn’t I want it? It’s the Holy Grail of house cleaning, food preparation, and it’s a knitting machine. I would love to sit back at my kitchen table with a Pina Colada while I watch my dishes wash themselves. I’ll look on amusingly as my clothes jump into the washer and dryer with the greatest of ease. And what Potterhead wouldn’t want a piece of her knitted goods? I would love a hat and scarf, maybe a sweater. Add to all of that, the fact that her wand can make a knife chop veggies by themselves, and you can stick a fork in me. Housewives all over the world would be rejoicing the name of Molly Weasley, if such things were possible!

I’m a huge fan of Bellatrix Lestrange. She’s devilishly devious and outright nuts. Somehow, despite her supreme love for the Dark Arts, she’s still the coolest Death Eater there ever was. No one was more committed and dedicated to Lord Voldemort than she was. She seemed to be one of Voldy’s most invincible allies, until the day she attempted to kill Ginny Weasley. Molly Weasley then turned around and killed her, avenging the deaths of Nymphadora Tonks and Sirius Black. Because of this, our favorite lit mum gets to spend eternity, in the glory of being the one who ended Bellatrix’s life.

Harry credits Molly for being his favorite cook and it’s no surprise why. I’ve cooked recipes of hers from my Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook and the food was so good! My favorites of all the many different recipes there are, are the blueberry muffins, meatballs with onion gravy, and shepherd’s pie. If she truly cooked that kind of food, she would be my favorite chef, too! With how filling and stick-to-your-ribs the food is, it’s amazing that none of the eaters weighed a thousand pounds. If I ate that kind of cuisine every single day, I would look like Aunt Marge. But it’s so good …

Have you ever looked at your mom while she’s ranting and raving about something? You know that moment when she gives you the look? Molly Weasley has nailed this look down like an army of Directioners set loose on One Direction. Still, at the age of thirty two, my mom will occasionally give me a look of her own. It’s always all too reminiscent of the famous Molly Weasley glare and sometimes just as scary. If I was faced with Mollywobbles and her infamous expression, I would probably be too afraid to talk. I would be stunned into absolute silence, very much like Mr. Ronald Weasley. No man smart enough would dare dream of doing anything besides what he’s told. Well done, Molly. Well done.
With as many reasons as I have listed above, it’s easy to understand why Molly Weasley is the most wonderful mum in the entire literary universe. She raised seven children, a husband, the boy who lived, and their best friend. I have always wondered what it would be like if I was a Weasley kid. I can’t imagine it being anything but fun and full of shenanigans!