Young Adult literature would be obsolete without the main ladies in them! In every young adult novel, you can bet that there will be either a female main character, or a very strong female lead somewhere mixed up in the plot! There are such a wide majority of leading ladies to choose from, and to start us off this week, we will focus on the one and only Zoey Redbird from the House of Night series by highly popular mother-daughter author duo, P.C and Kristin Cast!

When we first meet Zoey, she is like any normal teenager. But then she gets Marked and is set on her path to become a vampire, with the Goddess Nyx’s guidance and by her side. As the series grows in numbers and the plot lines thicken, we see Zoey really become a true, brave heroine.
Zoey really grows into herself and blossoms as the series progresses, from being unsure and a little bit naïve who has fallen for many traps set by the series’ evil villain Neferet, she grows into a young woman who knows what she wants and knows what she has to do. Zoey grows into this person who will do anything for her loved ones, at whatever the cost. She can be reckless sometimes, and sometimes along the road she is utterly clueless, but where there’s Zoey Redbird, there is always a way; and with the affinities that the Goddess has given her, there is almost nothing that she can't overcome.

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