And Luckily for us, we managed to snag an interview with YouTube Star (and EIGHT time NaNoWriMo winner!!), Kristina Horner!
Lets see what our Co-Editor, Charlotte, found out whilst interviewing one of her favourite online personalities!

A. - It feels awesome knowing people from all over the world watch what I do! Sometimes it's a little surreal knowing how far reaching YouTube is, but it also makes the world feel a little bit smaller in a nice sort of way.
Q2. What are your top 3 favourite book series' and why?
A. - Well, Harry Potter, naturally. But as for other favorites, that's a bit tough! I really loved the Georgia Nicolson books as a kid, and I adored Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series. I'm gonna go with those for now, but I can never truly choose favorites (aside from Harry).
Q3. You have managed to complete NaNoWriMo every year without fail so far for the past 8 years, are there any secrets to the writing challenge? What are your techniques?
A. - My only secret is that I am incredibly stubborn and refuse to fail, haha. Really, it's dedication and perseverance. Writing 50,000 words in 30 days isn't too tough if you make sure to write every single day. Don't let yourself slide - get your writing in every day. That's my secret! I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but writing is hard work. You have to be willing to put in that hard work.
Q4. Where do you read the most and why?
A. - I used to read the most on the right side of our living room couch at my parent's house. For some reason, reading outside my bedroom had always helped keep me focused. Reading away from distractions is really important. I also love reading on airplanes.
Q5. If you had to, who would you be Roomates with, Throw off a Cliff, and be BFF's with out of Katniss Everdeen, Hermione Granger, and Tris Prior?
A. - I think I would be roommates with Hermione, because she'd be inspiring to me to get work done and keep my room clean. She's also probably the most well adjusted of the three, all things considered. I'd want to be BFFs with Katniss, because I think she'd be the most fun to hang out with but I wouldn't want to deal with all her angst all the time. I'd throw Tris off a cliff, because by the time Allegient rolled around, she was so annoying I couldn't even deal with it.
Q6. How many books are (roughly) on your bookshelf?
A. - Haha. No idea. I've almost got two floor to ceiling shelves completely full though. So a lot.
Q7. Can you tell us any future plans for your YouTube channel? A. - Well, I VERY recently launched a Patreon page! I'm hoping it'll generate enough interest to really help take my channel to the next level and allow me to start some new projects I've always wanted to do but didn't quite have the means or the time.
Q8. How does it feel to know that people are inspired by your videos and are supportive of what you do on such a large scale?
A. - That's kind of a hard question to answer. It feels great, obviously, and it also really pushes me to make the best videos I can and make sure what I am putting out in the world is positive and helpful to others. Or at least is fun, at the very least. If I can at least brighten someone's day with what I do, I think I'm doing well.
Q9. What advice would you give to young authors trying to write their novel?
A. - Write, constantly, all the time! All you can do is keep practicing and getting better and growing as a writer. Try writing lots of different novels, and short stories, and blog posts, because it's the only way to grow and learn. Then, also, make sure at some point you actually finish a draft of your story.
Q10. Anything else you would like to share?
A. - It's been a pleasure chatting with you and I hope people check out my videos or Patreon if they haven't heard of me before!

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kristina
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kristinahorner
Website: http://kristinahorner.com/