Harry Potter has been getting a make-over! Bloomsbury, the publishers of the series, hired Jonny Duddle to create new art for the best-selling series and now, the second cover of the highly popular phenomenon by J.K. Rowling has been revealed!

In this new design, Duddle has chosen a scene in which things are even more exciting, showing a scene near the end of the book, where Harry is trying to fight off the monster in the Chamber of Secrets known as the Basilisk, with the help of Fawkes the Phoenix and the sword of Gryffindor, which can present itself to any worthy Gryffindor in times of great need.
In the old design the colours and artwork are very classic and you would be able to tell what the book was from a mile off without even thinking about it, as older readers and fans will have come to realise over the years of the series’ release.
However, in the new design, we see a much more intricate and different approach to the story, in which younger, newer readers can enjoy, which is what can be assumed is Bloomsbury’s main aim here. This new design will surely get younger readers and their parents excited about the series again, and proves for sure that the magic, the story and the fictional world that J.K. Rowling has created has not lost it’s magic.
What do you think of the new Chamber of Secrets cover? Let us know in the comments!