Sitting back and enjoying the whirlwind of turkey and roast potatoes that now swirled in my stomach, a glass of wine clenched by one hand, the family Christmas affair turned to the impending New Year. After all, 2015 is finally here and it is a special time for us to remember all the good things that happened in our lives. Whether it is starting a career, a family or growing up just a little bit more than the year before, 2014 still shaped and changed your lives. Inevitably, your mind will wonder to the promise you made this time last year and how, inevitably again, a lot of those promises failed. Yet still, we make new ones and spend at least one week trying it on for size.
And as “continuing to be the awesome person I already am” wasn’t, apparently, an acceptable New Year’s Resolution, my new goal is to further my writing career.

But I’m here to spread good tidings (after all, it “tis the season”) to dismayed writers who may not feel that that title is applicable to them anymore, as their laptops and notebooks are filled with unfinished works. You are still a writer and you can still plan to do more each year. Scribbling an idea down on a receipt as you chug your way to work? Writer. Noting some poetry in a notebook that you have no intention of showing? Writer. Do you have an idea and characters that can be slapped together in some coherent yet brilliant story? Writer, writer, writer.

Do not deny yourself by comparing your failures to your successes or the successes of other people. Even a sentence is a move forward, and a glorious one at that. Never stop placing your hopes high, just keep your head down and your feet moving forward. Most importantly, keep your words on your sleeves and inking pages, we’re writers after all and we cannot close the chapters on that.
Have a happy creative new year!