Many people have several Christmas holiday traditions. They put up a tree, lights, and decorations, cook a large family dinner, open gifts, and perhaps do some carol singing or chestnut roasting.

As I've said, I have seen this special probably about 30 times over my lifetime but it wasn't until recently that I actually thought to read the book.
Like much of the Seuss oeuvre, the book is short and only takes a few minutes to read. Clocking in at 64 pages, How the Grinch Stole Christmas was far too short to fit into a 30 minute TV show (the shortest time available in US television at the time), so the creators of the special needed to add things in order to pad it out to a half hour with commercials.

Now, in most cases where I've read a book and seen it's filmed counterpart, I generally end up loving the book version better, but there are always exceptions and this special is one of them.
While there's a special love in my heart Dr. Seuss's books, there's just too much love built up over time for that grumpy green Grinch and his plucky yet abused puppy Max that the TV special of How the Grinch Stole Christmas will always reign supreme in my heart. (Let's not even mention the Jim Carrey movie version. I refuse to see it on the grounds that it might make me weep for my childhood, even though a friend who has seen it says it's good. Sometimes it's just the principle of the thing.)